Tuesday, July 10, 2007

The Green Stone


There have been moments where I felt like I made a difference in teaching, that's when I felt that my green stone shone the brighest. However, when I wasn't able to reach a student I felt that I had lost my green stone. As an educator I feel the responsibility to make an impact on my students so in turn I feel disappointed when I can't do that. I'd like to share the a brief story of two of my former students that were at either end of the spectrum.

Last year I had two students which affected my life deeply; one of them was repeating 4th grade (he was 11yrs. old by the end of the school year) and and the other one had very severe behavioral problems. From the begining of the year I was met by their former teachers with all the negative comments you can imagine one could get.

Thankfully I was able to reach the 'retainee'. He came a very long way and was able to pass all three TAKS test. On the other hand the 'behavior' child fail all three. I know I did all I could and ultimately, I feel that as a teacher I need to forgive myself for not reaching every child. That doesn't mean I won't keep trying to reach every child but if it doesn't happen I will have the satisfaction to know that I gave it my best.

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